The Race to Ensure Post Quantum Data Security

By John Russell

July 21, 2022

Fault-tolerant quantum computers won’t exist for years – a decade is the most common estimate. When they do arrive, thanks to Shor’s now-famous algorithm, they will be able to crack the most widely-used encryption methods, which are based on factoring. Earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) settled on four algorithms – one for public-key-encryption (KEM) and three for digital signatures – based on lattice problems and hash functions, for incorporation into new post-quantum encryption standards.

These are deliverables of NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization project (PQC), begun in 2016 and involving multiple rounds of submissions by industry, academia, and public entities, and assessment by NIST. This was the third round. A final fourth round is planned to consider four more algorithms.

NIST has issued a thorough report detailing the PQC process and sharing, for example, benchmark data across multiple processor types, and explaining NIST’s rationale for the selections. Three selection criteria were used: 1) security (most important), 2) cost and performance, and 3) algorithm and implementation characteristics. The latest NIST report isn’t news in the sense that the quantum community and virtually all enterprise data security professionals have been closely tracking NIST’s PQC efforts.

Even as NIST works to formalizes the new standards, it has begun a new project – Migration to Post Quantum Cryptography – in collaboration with industry to develop tools and migration practices to protect data. That project is being run by NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE). Here’s a snapshot of the program’s main goals:

  • Demonstrate the use of automated discovery tools to identify instances of quantum-vulnerable public-key algorithm use, where they are used in dependent systems, and for what purposes.
  • Once the public-key cryptography components and associated assets in the enterprise are identified, the next project element is prioritizing those applications that need to be considered first in migration planning.
  • Finally, the project will describe systematic approaches for migrating from vulnerable algorithms to quantum-resistant algorithms across different types of organizations, assets, and supporting technologies.

NIST issued a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to work on the project and last week disclosed the list of vendors who’ve signed on to participate so far: Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), Cisco Systems, Inc., Crypto4A Technologies, Inc., Cryptosense SA, InfoSec Global, ISARA Corporation, Microsoft, Samsung SDS Co., Ltd., SandboxAQ, Thales DIS CPL USA, Inc., and Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies, VMware, Inc.

Bottom line: The race to develop tools to protect data from quantum computer-based attacks has begun in earnest.

It’s been reported that more than 20 billion devices will need to upgrade their software to PQC before quantum computers crack RSA encryption. “Adversaries are already engaged in Store Now Decrypt Later (SNDL) attacks — stealing and storing encrypted data (e.g., financial records, intellectual property, medical records, etc.) to crack and exploit later when quantum computers become readily available,” says Google spinout, SandBoxAQ, a CRADA participant.

The first step, of course, was selection of the first set of PQC algorithms, intended for use in public-key encryption (KEMs) and digital signatures. HPCwire recently talked with Vadim Lyubashevsky, a prominent cryptography analyst and IBM researcher whose contributions have been important for the NIST PQC. Lyubashevsky provided insight into development and characteristics of effective encryption.

The history of cryptography is fascinating. It blends political and industrial intrigue and clever mathematics, and has affected the outcomes of war. The enigma machine for decoding German communications during World War II is perhaps the most dramatic modern example. Cryptography features an exotic vocabulary – one-way functions, computational hardness, average case and worst case hardness, NP-completeness, supersingular isogeny key exchange, and lattice problems – that is opaque to most except cryptographers and mathematicians. Yet securing data and communications is fundamental to so many areas of life.

Interestingly, most modern encryption schemes begin as problems that mathematicians can’t solve with current RSA factoring-based encryption as an example.

Lyubashevsky said, “The way we gauge [cryptographic] strength is by having people try to solve the underlying mathematical problem. If the community dedicates a lot of effort to it for a few decades and it’s not successful, then we think that it’s secure, the underlying mathematical problem. Then we build cryptography, based on that problem. It’s the reason we think that factoring is secure against [attack from] classical computers; people have been trying to solve factoring for over 40-50 years and haven’t been successful so we think it’s okay.”

“The problems that they originally came up with in the 1970s, these factoring discrete logarithms and all the things about elliptic curves. They stayed classically hard. Of course, better algorithms for factoring appeared but in some sense, there wasn’t some catastrophic break and all of a sudden, somebody just broke it. But now, when a quantum [fault tolerant] computer exists, it will be completely broken.”

“The same thing with lattice algorithms. People have been trying for a shorter amount of time, let’s say seriously trying for 20-25 years, to break these underlying mathematical problems,” he said. So far, no game-changing algorithm for solving lattice problems on a quantum computer has arisen.

The lattice problem, upon which three of the NIST PQC selected algorithms are based, is commonly illustrated as The Knapsack Problem and dates back to the late 1890s. This description is from Wikipedia: “Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most valuable items. The problem often arises in resource allocation where the decision-makers have to choose from a set of non-divisible projects or tasks under a fixed budget or time constraint, respectively.”

IBM Research has even published a short video describing the knapsack problem and its relevance to quantum cryptography.

Lattice reduction algorithms can be used to tackle the problem but the computational resources required are impractical. Wikipedia, once again: “The conjectured intractability of such problems is central to the construction of secure lattice-based cryptosystems: Lattice problems are an example of NP-hard problems which have been shown to be average-case hard, providing a test case for the security of cryptographic algorithms. In addition, some lattice problems which are worst-case hard can be used as a basis for extremely secure cryptographic schemes. The use of worst-case hardness in such schemes makes them among the very few schemes that are very likely secure even against quantum computers.”

Likewise, hash function cryptography also has a lengthy history. These functions are said to be one-way functions, which means it is practically infeasible to invert or reverse the computation. Ideally, the only way to find a message that produces a given hash is to attempt a brute-force search of possible inputs to see if they produce a match, or use a rainbow table of matched hashes.

Lyubashevsky points out that work on these difficult mathematical problems often starts out seeking solutions for useful applications.

“These are natural mathematical problems. If somebody does find a fast algorithm for them, it will have positive effect in the areas of optimization and things like that,” he said. “So these are questions people are interested in solving positively. But since they couldn’t, you know, we base cryptography on it. As far as quantum computing goes, it’s kind of the same story. People who specialize in quantum algorithms know these lattice problems. A lot of these lattice cryptography problems originated from people working in quantum algorithms trying to find a new type of algorithms that a quantum computer can solve and they didn’t succeed.”

In its PQC program, NIST asked for security equivalence of AES-128 and AES-192 (AES, advanced encryption standards) against quantum computers. The 128 and 192 refer to the bit size of keys. There is also an AES-256 but that was not requested.

The PQC program included five security strength categories “based on the computational resources required to perform certain brute-force attacks against the existing NIST standards for AES and SHA in a variety of different models of the cost of computation, both classical and quantum…The idea is that in order to meet, for example, category 1, the best attack violating the security definition of a parameter set should cost more than a brute-force key search attack on a single instance of AES-128, according to any plausible assumption regarding the relative cost of the various computational resources involved in a real-world attack.[i]”  (A list of the five security strengths is included at the end of the article.)

As acknowledged by NIST, there’s room for some disagreement about what constitutes relative computational cost – “including quantum gates, classical gates, quantum memory, classical memory, hardware, energy, and time” – and how much of a given resource an attack actually requires.”

Talking about the submissions to NIST, Lyubashevsky said, “We had to provide them the parameters for which we believe these (AES) problems are secure at these levels. Now, of course, it’s a bit messy. Things do change a bit even during the standardization effort. There were attacks that lowered security by, you know, five bits or 10 bits. This does require us to increase parameters.”

This type of ongoing change has happened with factoring schemes, said Lyubashevsky, “because the original things that were proposed in or 1970s can be broken on a cell phone now, and not just because better technology exists, but because better algorithms have been developed.”

Focusing on the NIST PQC effort, “All these algorithms kind of existed before in this [NIST PQC] competition with lattice algorithms. The main positive effect of the standardization effort is that it got a lot more cryptanalysts looking at these problems. I think most cryptanalysts work for government agencies like the NSA, GCHQ, and places like that,” said Lyubashevsky.

Given all the scrutiny, Lyubashevsky thinks we can be confident about the security of the PQC algorithms selected. Moreover, he thinks advancing computational hardware technology isn’t a big threat.

“Cryptography should not be affected by any of this (advancing supercomputers), because we believe the hardness of the problem (lattice) is exponential. If you increase your computing power by a factor of two, you just increase the key by one bit, I mean there is a limit to how much computing can increase; you cannot probably do more operations beyond some energy threshold.” There’s only so much energy available on the planet, he wryly chides, “the security of the cryptography kind of goes above this threshold, and it’s not hard to get it above it,” he said.

The lattice algorithms used for public-key encryption are faster and smaller than hash function algorithms, according to Lyubashevsky.

“You can’t get public key encryption from hash functions; you can only get digital signatures. It’s slower and bigger but one big advantage is that the security of hash functions, are not really based on any mathematical problem, it’s just random stuff and should be hard to invert. People will be very, very surprised if something like SHA-3 (secure hash algorithm-3) falls to quantum computing,” he said. “This would be a complete shock and a lot of symmetric key cryptography would be broken. This is not something that we’re even discussing in terms of this NIST standardization effort,” he said.

NIST intends to select at least one more KEM for standardization after the fourth final round of assessments. Lyubashevsky notes there are always tradeoffs between encryption schemes and implementations of the same scheme. For example the submitted algorithms may vary in size, may require different amounts of computational resources, have have different performance characteristics.

“Maybe with respect to some new candidates that’s something NIST will consider in round four. For example, there’s this other type of mathematics based on supersingular isogeny math. It provides solutions smaller than lattices, but it’s very, very slow. So that’s something they may want to standardize in the fourth round. They want different digital signatures [and] there you also have a lot of tradeoffs. Something can have a much smaller signature but a much larger public key. The lattice-based scheme is very balanced, whereas other kinds of specialist schemes can have an advantage in one area and a big disadvantage from another,” he said.

Despite the work still to be done, NIST wants industry and the encryption community to push ahead and not wait. “Even though the third round is ending and NIST will begin to draft the first PQC standards, standardization efforts in this area will continue for some time. This should not be interpreted to mean that users should wait to adopt post-quantum algorithms. NIST hopes for rapid adoption of these first standardized algorithms,” is the guidance from the just-released report.

Lyubashevsky says the need to revamp security has highlighted the ad hoc way in which encryption has often been applied and spotlights the need for a more orderly approach going forward.

“I was a bit surprised when the folks at IBM who actually work on this stuff [deployment and products] said finding the cryptography in data is hard because the crypto is intermingled with everything else, with all the other code and the all the other programs. It’s hard to find and [therefore] hard to yank out and put something else in. This was all an artifact from the 80s and 90s,” he said.

What’s needed now, said Lyubashevsky, is a more modular approach. “If we’re going to change everything, let’s at least do it right. Let’s make everything modular so if something needs to be changed in the future, for whatever reason, it’s easy to take out and plug in something new. This is also important in quantum safe cryptography because you don’t have an algorithm that is best at everything; you have some that are very fast, you have some that are very slow, but have slightly smaller keys. There will be scenarios where one is better than the other. And maybe you don’t quite know which one it will be and you want to be agile. You want to be able to quickly put algorithms in and take algorithms out.”

Link to latest NIST report

Link to NIST migration project

Strength Categories from NIST

1)  Any attack that breaks the relevant security definition must require computational resources comparable to or greater than those required for key search on a block cipher with a 128-bit key (e.g. AES-128)

2)  Any attack that breaks the relevant security definition must require computational resources comparable to or greater than those required for collision search on a 256-bit hash function (e.g. SHA-256/ SHA3-256)

3)  Any attack that breaks the relevant security definition must require computational resources comparable to or greater than those required for key search on a block cipher with a 192-bit key (e.g. AES-192)

4)  Any attack that breaks the relevant security definition must require computational resources comparable to or greater than those required for collision search on a 384-bit hash function (e.g. SHA-384/ SHA3-384)

5)  Any attack that breaks the relevant security definition must require computational resources comparable to or greater than those required for key search on a block cipher with a 256-bit key (e.g. AES-256)

[i] Status Report on the Third Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process,

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