Fuel Innovation and Discovery with the Performance of NVMe-Native Parallel Storage and the Efficiency of Managing a Private Cloud Storage

Data is the new currency and the lifeline of your business. Typical storage won’t cut it. Today’s leading businesses need an advanced storage option that delivers performance, scale, simplicity, and economics. Success requires you to take advantage of the latest high-performance storage constructs – flash memory, virtualization, and object storage – to eliminate performance bottlenecks, management complexity, and the high cost of traditional storage systems.

In this session you will learn how the world’s first NVMe-native parallel file system using off-the-shelf servers, and SSDs delivers the performance of an all-flash-array with the durability and efficiency of on-premises cloud object storage. Benefits of deploying this solution include:

  • Industry leading performance: the world’s fastest file system as proven on industry leading benchmarks
  • Breakthrough Economics: Consolidate multiple tiers of storage saving on power, cooling, and rack space at a lower total cost
  • Unmatched Agility and Scalability: NVMe-native file system designed from the ground up to scale to thousands of compute nodes and petabytes of storage
  • Data Protection/Peace of Mind: Multiple mechanisms ensure data protection, durability and uninterrupted access
  • Unparalleled Simplicity: Plug-and-play simplicity, installs in minutes and no extra software required
  • Easy Management: One admin can easily manage petabytes of data

Please register to view this webinar produced by Tabor Custom Publishing in conjunction with HPCwire, and sponsored by WekaIO.

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