March 30, 2022 — ISC is pleased to share that the ISC 2022 registration is now open for the onsite and online programs. The schedule for the full conference and exhibition, which takes place from Sunday, May 29 to Thursday, June 2, is now available online. ISC is also pleased to share that the exhibition is sold out even though we are still two months away from the event. Considering all the community encouragement, the ISC Team, along with the ISC Chairs, are gearing up to welcome 3,000 international attendees to this year’s event.
To register, visit this link.
The 2022 conference and exhibition is unique as ISC is offering an onsite event, as well as some of the program elements online. The goal is to enable everyone in the HPC community to participate in ISC 2022. ISC hopes to bring together 3,000 like-minded researchers, research centers, educational institutions, technology providers and HPC enthusiasts.
If you register between March 22 and April 26, you will enjoy the early-bird registration fees.
For online attendees: You will receive the access information for our online event latest a week before ISC 2022, which will give you adequate time to familiarize yourself with the virtual platform.
Source: ISC