2023 Readers’ & Editors’ Choice Awards – Best Use of HPC in the Cloud (Use Case)

Best Use of HPC in the Cloud

(Use Case)

Readers’ Choice Awards

San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San DiegoUC Berkeley, and the University of Washington worked together on CloudBank to enable the use of public cloud resources to deploy UC Berkeley’s educational teaching stack, including a Jupyter hub, to classrooms at community colleges that may not have the local resources to set up and support a similar system.

Editors’ Choice Awards

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute developed a computational platform for drug discovery, completing its largest HPC run using 5.7 million Intel-based virtual CPUs running on AWS using the Virtual Flow platform, to identify and create a library of 70B molecules that might be used to treat cancer and other diseases. This publicly available library speeds research safely and effectively by identifying candidates in days versus months.

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